Welcome to Modern Poultry Homesteading

Embrace Sustainable Living
Promote Self-Sufficiency

About Modern Homesteading
Modern Homesteading is a philosophy of living that embraces sustainable living and promotes self-sufficiency. Poultry is a staple of the Modern Homestead, providing eggs and meat, and endless opportunities for learning. Families across the nation are discovering the benefits of a self-sufficient lifestyle that begins with homestead poultry.

Homestead Hens is here to provide insights, information, and anecdotes to help you figure out your poultry path to self-sufficiency.

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Here you can find a great community for sharing new ideas and talking about day to day chicken life.
  •  7/17/2024 08:04 AM

What if I told you there's an easy way to not only keep roosters on the homestead, but have them thriving along with, but separate from, your regular flock?

  •  6/14/2024 09:33 AM

There are a LOT of words bouncing around to describe the living conditions of a chicken flock, and let's face it - they can be confusing! This is an introduction to "Free Range" Chickens.

  •  2/21/2024 08:31 AM

When you've decided to add chickens to your life, there are no shortcuts - there's a lot to learn and a lot to plan. We take a look at some of the most common mistakes new chick fams make and how those can be avoided.

  •  2/19/2024 10:09 AM

Whether you're just getting started with your first flock or you're a seasoned pro with the cluckiest chickens in town, there's one topic we can't ignore: biosecurity.

  •  1/27/2024 01:19 PM

When it comes to ordering day-old chicks, understanding hatch availability is crucial for poultry farmers and hatchery managers alike.

  •  8/12/2020 03:55 PM

If you're searching for chickens with a winning personality, look no further than the Brahma breed. These gentle giants are renowned for their friendly and docile nature. They love human interaction and are known to form strong bonds with their human caretakers.

  •  7/15/2020 12:00 AM

Are you ready to plan your pursuit of the homestead hen-raising dream? Where do you start? What do you need? It turns out, it's easier than you might think.

  •  6/17/2020 12:00 AM

Are three chickens a "flock?" What about 6? or 10? When does this become chicken math? Let's find out what makes a flock.